Monday, December 29, 2008


Peter and Caleb love their Grandad. We all had a big scare on December 19th when Grandad suffered a small stroke and temporarily lost his ability to speak. The boys were so anxious for Grandad to get better and be able to come home from the hospital. Every time I got home from visiting him in the hospital they were full of questions and asking if they could go visit him. Peter was especially vigilant about praying for Grandad and asking God to make him all better. The four of us were able to go to the hospital on Monday the 21st for a nice visit. The boys were very interested in the tubes and monitors. Peter has had an IV before, so he was very intersted in seeing how that was working for Grandad. Peter especially liked the oxygenation monitor and kept his eye on it. When it was at 98 he exclaimed, "GO for 100!!" We all got a good laugh out of that. While we were visiting, Caleb spontaneously led us in a hymn he learned at preschool this past semester. As we sang "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" we came to this stanza:
Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb,
your loosened tongues employ;
ye blind, behold your savior come,
and leap, ye lame, for joy.

Those words have never felt so real and applicable...or so emotional. Grandad's speech has been
restored and the boys were
so happy to have him home for Christmas. It was so wonderful to
watch my boys pray for their Grandad and
show him such love and concern. We praise God that
Grandad is well! Here is a picture of the boys
with Grandad on Christmas Eve
(the day he was released from the hospital):

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hooray for Peter!

Peter has finished his first trimester of Kindergarten...and it was a great one! We met with his teacher last week and she had lots of good things to say about him. Of course he has some things he needs to work on, but he is doing really well. There was a small awards assembly today and Peter got two awards: one for achievement in Visual Arts (although apparently everyone got what's the point?) and one for perfect attendance ( I think I should get an award for that one, too!). He was very proud of himself...and we are proud of him, too! Here are a couple pictures from his special day:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

La Mirada Snow!

We had a wonderful time attending Biola's Christmas tree lighting last week. There was wonderful music, scripture readings, and SNOW!! The boys were amazed when the snow began to fall around us. I look forward to the day when they will see and play in real snow, but for now this will have to do!=)

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

We had such a fun Thanksgiving! Peter actually had Wednesday and Monday Dec 1st off as well as the usual Thursday and Friday, so we have had lots of fun family time! Peter's Thanksgiving festivities started at school with the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast. I was able to go and help. It was fun to watch Peter celebrate with his friends! Here are a couple pictures from that event:

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day together as well. We had yummy pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, watched some of the parade, and had a very tasty dinner over at my parents' house. We all have so much to be thankful for!